We’re taking a hiatus from updating this site for the time because among other reasons, something’s happened to WordPress in the last 7 days that now means we can’t upload new images to any of our sites (Zen, Chaos or the original site either).
So until we can fix whatever is going on, the next Dark Reflections: Chaos page is here as well as pasted in the text below here until we can fix things later.
All completed pages will go up on the $1 Patreon tier as soon as they’re available (pages up to 127 for Dark Reflections: Chaos are already there!).
If you join the Exiern Patreon $1 tier, you can also read them right now!
Dark Reflections: Chaos also updates with at least a few pages towards the end of every month at TG Comics but please keep in mind this site as a whole would be classed as NSFW. Click here at TG Comics (NSFW) in order to continue.
You can also read up to Page 118 of Dark Reflections: Zen by clicking the banner below!
We are working to get Zen and Chaos back in sync with each other as soon as we can!
Art by Studio Katsumi and excellent as always!